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The WoW community is never satisfied - is that really true?

Game One (previously MTV Game One; in the pilot as MTV Players) is a previous German TV program for video and also video game, which has actually been known, to name a few points, for its humorist discussion of video games and phenomena of game society. In 2011, the website of the program was awarded the Target market Award of the Grimm Online Award. On December 22, 2014, MTV introduced the hiring of the program, the last episode 307 was published on 24 December.

Whether in the game itself, in the associated forums or the regular news, everywhere you meet a lot of different feelings, which are proclaimed loud and open from the World of Warcraft community. All players of the online role-playing game published in 2005 in Europe have come together: they are never satisfied. But why? Our colleague Sabrina is based on the situation and has been interrogated in the community.

The community scolds and shrinks

What once was the most popular MMORPG (Short MMO) and was played by over twelve million players today only has about two million players. The question arises whether this decline is really only due to the mistakes of developers at Blizzard in the past. Or does the community play a major role with its different expectations and dealings?

Hybrid classes Lovers Bonito has been playing since 2005/2006 and says:

The armor must be good enough to be taken in dungeons, you have to farm a lot every day to buy special items. Without this Progress you quickly lose the connection to the others. That's why many good players do not want to play with the small or casual players, leave the groups or become insulting. However, the content of the game is also oriented exactly thereafter: higher, further, faster. If you do not like there, no one runs with you anymore. If you depend on random players in the WOW world, unfortunately you rarely meet for fun. Who is a bit of trouble in the search of a matching guild, can enjoy a good community.

The guilds break and play players alone

What distinguishes an MMO from a single player game is the possibility to play and interact with other players. It is all the more important that a friendly, helpful and plenty climate prevails within the community. But as in real life, in the fictitious world of WOW, unfortunately it looks very different. After all, the most diverse characters with their different views and demands meet here.

MIT Shadow lands already appeared a year ago the recent expansion of WOW:

WOW raiders stay here. FF raiders follow me | FF 14 community clips There is the so-called Pro Players and Progress Players, which specify a high bar for the services in the game. On the other hand, there are also casual gamers who want to do their everyday tasks comfortably, as well as Easters and newcomers who just find in the game. Everyone has a common intention: they want to be successful, be recognized and keep up with the best players of their played class. But most of them do not only have themselves on themselves, but still are higher demands on other players.

The Worsen Druid Rooster has often paused the game for a while:

It was often the missing connection or because the guilds are broken, in which one was formerly member. For many, the content pulled too much in length. This led to some members or the guild separated because of disputes or disagreements. A friendlike dealing with each other would be nice.

By a colleague, Demon Hunter Turns came to WOW. So he feels the community:

The community is getting toxic and people always think they are the best. Duties and Easters have little even a chance to take a foot, as it is assumed that you are already fully equipped and at least 17 years of experience.

If these high expectations is not met, all parties quickly open frustration. The performance pressure increases and dampens the mood with many so much that the game fun suffers or completely disappears.

It seems all the more important that you will get good armor parts in the game or the skills of your own class are very strong. On the other hand, the yield has not been the desired or has a teammate something better, the developers of Blizzard are usually put on the pillory and insulted. But can you really be responsible for this or are the people under pressure?

The druid soul baron explains it:

By constantly comparing the DPS / HPS numbers (damage / healing per second) from others with their own, many feel under pressure. If then the hunt for equipment that improves those numbers is determined by chance, the pressure grows and continues to grow, and the frustration level is rising.

Who is the blame for this situation now?

In the in-house forum of Blizzard, the mood cooks high. There you will find all sorts written emotional breaks of the WoW community, in addition to sad farewell news and hopeful desperate notes to ruined criticisms. However, these are not only directed against Blizzard, but more and more often against the community itself. Although in the game you meet some mechanics and implementations that are considered less well-thought-out, the gaming programmers try to significantly improve the gameplay. So they are increasingly contacting the community in contact and orienting themselves in the development of the wishes of the players.

The Blizzard developers notice the displeasure of their fan community and do not just enter the mood in their own forum with some news, but even turn directly to the community directly with a message. Finally, they want to make their own experienced Zeroth the best place for everyone. (Source: Blizzard)

But is the community after the adjustments finally more relaxed? Definitely not. There will always be something that does not like one or the other. Some even feel it sad that Blizzard tries to make it any right and appeal to the community to rethink their thinking and trade.

The healer shaman Latin sees the thing like this:

I still have fun Wow. Most both bothers people's people. Blizzard should not always try to make it all right. For this, the community should prefer to think more about each other and not so selfish and toxic.

Are all players frustrating or dissatisfied with the game?

There is a simple answer, namely a very clear no. Many players are still with heart-blood and try to counter the negative vibes and the toxic community. They have good ideas and approaches on how to bring the WoW community and the developers back to the right track, so that once the world's most popular game can be back to such. A game where heroic battles won and the evil can be defeated.

The Paladin Tank Lichterloh remembers his beginnings in 2015:

At the beginning I told my friend his old laptop, who always crashed. At that time we always changed with our characters and were completely absorbed into the world of Wow. Today, the game is still fun, even if others only see everything pessimistic. I find it good that Blizzard has well-thought-out and developed the RAID encounters as well as the various class designs. However, a more accurate explanation in the game would be good about certain game mechanics. That would help the players, firstly to understand how they can best use their skills and secondly how other players can use their benefits. This ensures more understanding with each other.

How can the climate and fun improve?

The magic words are: communication, understanding and respect. Perhaps the players should learn to better deal with their feelings, and do not take them so seriously and again fun on the game and develop together. A more polite dealing with each other is as important as the communication. All make mistakes, the players just like the developers. That's human. But it does not help to always hold it.

Every single one in the community, as well as the developers are in the same team and pursue the same goal: the World of Warcraft is a good and beautiful game. A game that's fun and distracts that from everyday life. Where to meet friends and achieves something together.

It remains to be hoped that the community tries to announce in the future, more their positive feelings and thoughts and the developers are increasingly paying attention to their fans as well as the game integrity. This does not have to happen from today to tomorrow, but as the developers at Blizzard it always commented in their splendid time: Soon ™


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