The expansion of the New World’s Brimstone Sands has output, and several changes and functions have been added to the New World. Most functions are connected with new expedition This will set the task of solving hieroglyphic puzzles to achieve strength. Players can also find a new big sword weapon with universal skills and explore a new area inspired by both the Roman Empire and Ancient Egypt. The new area is called Brimstone Sands and has the size of approximately 2.5 Ever fall regions in the game, which makes it the largest area in a new light. Inside the Brimstone Sands, players can find new types of enemies, quests and stories to learn about the mysterious region. Other functions include the new gem of runic glass increased untouched precious stones as well as precious stones that reward powerful abilities. Nevertheless, there is a huge amount of content in the Brimstone Sands Expansion additions, so here is the list of everything that is included: All new functions ...